and had a wonderful breakfast with Sam, Karen, Sarah, and Dennis. In the afternoon we travelled to Boerne to visit J5. They have a fantastic setting in the hill country. We went to the Alamo - -
it was hot! Then it rained, and you know what happens when you mix the two - a hot and humid Texas Day!! Love it!!
The next day we went fishing and hanging out at the lake.
Don and I could live there, like, right now!!
Then we drove to Galveston to visit with Steve and Rosie. There we saw Julie and Karen and Joey and Mark and Leah! Steve has a new boat - - it's AHH-MAZing. So the guys and girls went tubing!! Don was have a fantastic time even though he doesn't look too happy!
Briana and Karen soaked up some sun and some waves!!
Our next big adventure in Galveston was an off shore fishing trip on the Good News!! Steve is modeling a spade fish.
We caught lots of red snapper; unfortunately, they were out of season, so we tossed them back. We did get to keep the Mangrove Snapper!
Don also caught a ling, a king, and a trigger fish!
Alas, our time in Galveston had to come to an end, and we journeyed on to Welsh. There we spent time at Granny's house along with EATING!! On Friday we had a Celebrate Sarah Day!!
And for our Celebrate Sarah Day, we went on a swamp tour at Lake Martin. We saw lots of wildlife like this Great Blue Heron
And the American Alligator!
We visited with lots of family like Claire and Shawn and the kiddos, and Susan and Rick and Abby. For my birthday, Granny took us all to DI's for dinner. I had some most excellent boiled crabs!
The tail end of out trip was a Sammy's house where we were able to visit with Joey and Sam and spend some much needed down time before out flight home and the ever present busy schedule.
All in all, Don, Briana, and I had a wonderful vacation. We'd like to thank all of you who housed us and fed us and let us relax and enjoy being with family!!
We miss you all so much already,