All three of us are home for the whole week. It's raining and cold, but there is hope. Briana's 18th birthday party is Sunday. PIZZA and BINGO!! You are all invited!!
I finished a rather over sized baby quilt for my friend Michelle. I know it doesn't look very baby-ish, but I was thinking that a quilt should not only be utilitarian but versatile as well. This picture shows much brighter blues than it really is - a deep cerulean blue border with five inch squares.
I have four more finished quilt tops in the queue and will be posting them as they are completed. Right now I am working on this sweet little scrappy quilt I think Momma would like for Mother's Day. We'll see.
Okay, so I am posting a picture of a deer that lives in our neighborhood. It doesn't look like any of the white tails that we have around here. It is over a year old but is very small, and his head is odd. I call him our donkey deer because he has the coloring and body of a skinny burro. The Adamses up the street say that the other deer chase him away whenever they see him. He's pitiful and an orphan, but I can get within ten feet of him before he cautiously slinks away. Don feeds him - naturally!
What do you think he is?
Well, I'm back to my machine for a little creative quilting!!