Bug on Don

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Language is a funny thing. Why is there a b in debt?  The k is silent in "know" and doesn't even exist in "renowned" - - what's up with that?  Does the word "stagnation"  means a country full of male deer?  No, it means the condition of not developing or moving forward.  We all know "repel" means to push back, but what has that to do with rappelling down the side of a tower? Why aren't the two words spelled more like each other?  Don't you have to push back with your feet so you don't do a face plant?  
Nobody ever used the word "vetted" until Sarah Palin appeared in public. There is a movement in public education called "Critical Friends." That is just a really revolting term for coworkers.

And what about all the little phrases we use every day? The other day I told Briana that she needed to "fish or cut bait" when she was just standing right in the middle of the kitchen in the way. She asked, "Bait needs to be cut?" She didn't get it. Don has these great and somewhat vulgar Army comments that make perfect sense like "Put the turd back in his pocket," and "He's just a polished turd." Gross but extremely accurate! Another one of Don's that I hate is "Why buy the cow if the milk's for free." You can guess the meaning. "That's just whack!"

I'll be posting more on this topic.

1 comment:

  1. This is why English is a challenge to learn for non-native speakers!
