Developments in the Miller household:
Uno.) Here we go again. Don and I are investigating a piece of property in Central Oregon. It is twenty-three miles from Post on a tract of land called Riverside Ranch. Before we get too excited - - this is no fancy community or anything like that; it is just the name for a large swath of no man's land. The property is actually three parcels equalling 24 acres minus a smidgen. On it there is well, an unfinished house, a septic system, an old truck, and views of Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Bachelor and the Three Sisters and the Prineville reservoir.

Notice I didn't say electricity. Yea - - that's a problem. However, the price is right and the dreams that Don and I have fancied all our married life together about moving seriously out and living "off the grid" are closer than ever. Plus, the Prineville reservoir is loaded with Bass. That should be enough for Don!!
Dois.) Briana is seventeen years old and looking into what colleges she'd like to attend when she graduates next year. We, like all families with a junior, are getting overwhelmed with all the college mail. I know that Briana wants to go into some sort of Environmental Sciences with emphasis on renewable energy; plus she wants to minor in German. This may sound like an odd combo, but she will have four years of German when she graduates, and Germany is the leading force in green energy in the world. Secret match, eh? So far there is a college in Maine that she likes - - to the tune of 80 k a year - - - and the University of Portland.
UP is where I got my masters degree; it is a lovely Catholic university with a student body of only about 2000. Amazingly, it has a kickin' Environmental Sciences college AND a German studies program. It's only an hour away, too! In addition to this, Briana is very involved in St. Henry's Catholic Church - - she's even going on a mission trip this summer - - and the idea of going to a Catholic university and still being able to come home to our parish is very appealing to her. Our only real obstacle is GRADES!!!!!
Tres.) As for around our house, two big projects are under way. Don is building a Lean To on the north side of the barn to put all the fire wood in so we can get it out of the barn so we can pave the floor of the barn so we can move the boat up there so we can use our garage. Got it? The other project is building a retaining was above our garden. Yesterday I rented two wrestlers to come out and move rocks. They moved tons, but you can barely tell it. This is going to be a long, long labor of love!
Quattro.) In June I will have completed 21 years of teaching. Moving on, I have finished three quilts, but I only have a picture of one of them. This little purple toned sweety is completely made of scraps.

I am currently working on an experimental quilt; Don thinks it's ugly, but I think is is interesting. In any case, I'll give it to Granny. Hopefully it will be done this week and I can post a picture of it. I am ready for summer - - nuff said.
Cinco.) As far as extended family, everyone is well and thriving. Vicki and crew are so involved in spring soccer that we don't hear from them often.

Briana and the boys

Miss Kendall
Kristi and Kevin are cruising along - - no baby yet. Staci works with Don now but is looking for a spot somewhere to start her career as an interior designer. She's applying everywhere, but the market is flat and jobs are few. No worries, Staci is as persistent as Don!
Hopefully, I'll be more consistent with the blog. Any who, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Keep marching,
Dottie, thanks for the update. And the pictures. I miss all of you. Happy Mother's Day. Love, Mama Lama